That's right, I did type "cukes" because you can germinate those seeds in February and eat cukes in June. I recommend you plant the seeds in a good sized pot because you will not be transplanting these fussy seedlings. I buy straight eights but any cuke will work and I sow about 8 seeds per planter. Cover the whole deal with saran wrap and find a warm, draft free surface to allow these newbies a chance to germinate. The top of the fridge works but a germination table, which my son built for me, has served me well for 2o years. Will post later.
I love delphiniums and rather than spend $15 on a plant from the nursery, I purchase seeds which will present me with a full tray of 8 flats of these and the most giant the variety, the better I like them. These fine seeds need an early start. Fill your seedling pack with a light planting mix, NOT potting soil, and water it down. Sprinkle the seeds on top of the mix, press lightly with the flat of your finger tips, and cover with saran wrap. These will need a warm, light area too.
Impatiens are tiny tiny seeds so handle these like delphinium but check the seed package. Some varieties like a dark germination condition so you may have to cover the tray with the saran wrap and a damp towel for a week or so.
Never let your seedlings dry out. Never. They will be history. Water from the bottom. No need to fertilize seedlings for a while because Mother Nature has provided all the nourishment it needs for a couple of weeks after germination and then only a kiss of fertilizer in the water.
Have a green time!